Return on Sharing Summit
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
On Wednesday, April 30th, ShareThis and The Paley Center for Media convened 100 senior media and marketing executives for a landmark summit in New York City to explore how social media and sharing are reshaping businesses and consumer engagement.
Featuring the results of groundbreaking research that quantifies the monetary value of a share, the Return on Sharing Summit advanced the conversation about social measurement from anecdotal evidence to tangible financial impact. Click here for a full PDF report of the Return on a Share study, and click here to view photos from the event.
Participants included:
Kurt Abrahamson, CEO, ShareThis
Jim Bankoff, CEO, Vox Media
Randall Beard, Global Head of Advertiser Solutions, Nielsen
Lee Brown, Global Head of Brand Partnerships, Tumblr
Tony Haile, CEO, Chartbeat
Terry Kawaja, CEO, LUMA Partners (Moderator)
Scott Kurnit, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, (Moderator)
Paul Marcum, Global Head of Digital Video, Bloomberg Media
Andrew Markowitz, Director, Global Digital Strategy, GE
Baba Shetty, Chief Strategy & Media Officer, Digitas
Emily Steel, US Media and Marketing Correspondent, The Financial Times (Moderator)
8:30am: Breakfast
9:15am: Opening Remarks
9:30am-10:00am: Scott Kurnit and Kurt Abrahamson
10:00am-11:00am: The Economic Impact of Sharing
Panelists: Randall Beard, Baba Shetty, Andrew Markowitz
Moderator: Terry Kawaja
11:00am-12:00pm: Innovations in Media
Panelists: Jim Bankoff, Lee Brown, Tony Haile, Paul Marcum
Moderator: Emily Steel
This event was open to Media Council members with a limited amount of space reserved for the public.
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