The Poynter Institute and craigconnects Present

Poynter Digital Journalism Ethics Symposium

Oct 23, 2012
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
New York

The Paley Center for Media, in partnership with the Poynter Institute and craigconnects, gathered some of the most influential leaders and thinkers from the world of journalism on Tuesday, October 23, to discuss their ideas on the subject of Journalism Ethics in the Digital Age. Participants proposed a new set of guiding principles for journalists and other content creators concerned with democratic standards of truth in online journalism. The day-long symposium will give these journalism leaders an opportunity to test the ideas they are contributing to a new Poynter publication on digital journalism ethics, coedited by Kelly McBride, Senior Ethics Faculty, and Tom Rosenstiel, founder and director of Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. See full program agenda below.


This event was streamed live through our partners at Join the conversation on Twitter: #PoynterEthics.






 J. Max Robins, Vice President and Executive Director, Paley Center for Media 

Karen Dunlap, President, The Poynter Institute
Craig Newmark, Founder, craigslist and craigconnects

 Kelly McBride, Senior Faculty, The Poynter Institute

Tom Rosenstiel, Director, Project for Excellence in Journalism, Pew Research Center

The Truth: Is It Possible in the Digital Era? 

Moderator: John Paton, CEO, Digital First Media

Clay Shirky, Professor, New York University "Post Truth, Post Professional, Post Scarcity" 
Steve Myers, Deputy Managing Editor, The Lens, "Fact-Checking 2.0"
Adam Hochberg, Instructor, University of North Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communications, "Whose Money Should We Take? Credibility in Investigative Non-profit Newsrooms"
Craig Silverman, writer, "Regret the Error," "The Corrections: A Sign of Sickness or Health?"

The Voices: Will Digital Space Ever Reflect Our Communities?

Moderator: Emily Bell, Director, Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University

Eric Deggans, TV/Media Critic, Tampa Bay Times, "(Mostly) White and (Sometimes) Brown Media People in a (Mostly) Brown and (Sometimes) White World"
Ann Friedman, freelance editor and writer, "It's Not What You Look Like, It's What You Eat"
Monica Guzman, columnist, The Seattle Times, "The Community, Formerly Known as the Crowd, Is It a Means or an End?


The Vehicle: Can This Ride Take Us to Democracy?

Moderator: Stephen Buckley, Dean of Faculty, The Poynter Institute

Gilad Lotan, Vice President, Research and Development, SocialFlow, "The Unintended Consequences of Algorithmic Curation"
Dan Gillmor, Director, Knight Center for Digital Entrepreneurship, Arizona State University, "Can Private Platforms Coexist With Journalism's Public Service?"
Vadim Lavrusik, Journalism Program Manager, Facebook


The Story: What Stories Do People Want and Need? 

Moderator: Andrew Heyward, Former President, CBS News

danah boyd, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research, "The Cost of Fear in an Attention Economy"
Tom Huang, Sunday and Enterprise Editor, Dallas Morning News, "Should We Let the Daily Story Die?"
Kenny Irby, Senior Faculty, The Poynter Institute, "Seeing Is No Longer Believing"
Kelly McBride, Senior Faculty, The Poynter Institute, "We're Feeding an Originality Breakdown"

The New Ethics of Journalism: A Guide for the 21st Century

Moderators: Tom Rosenstiel and Kelly McBride

Going Forward

Paul Tash, Chairman and CEO, Times Publishing Co.

Additional participants include:

  • Dorian Benkoil, Teeming Media
  • Merrill Brown, Montclair State University; MMB Media LLC
  • Mark Glaser, PBS Mediashift
  • Jeff Jarvis,; Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism, CUNY
  • Betsy Morgan, The Blaze
  • Amanda Michel, The Guardian
  • Dean Miller, Stony Brook University
  • Jennifer 8. Lee, Plympton; Upworthy; Hacks/Hackers
  • Rory O'Connor, Globalvision, Inc.
  • Charles M. Sennott, GlobalPost
  • Stephen Shepard, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
  • Rachel Sklar, The; Change the Ratio; Mediaite
  • Cyndi Stivers, Columbia Journalism Review
  • Steven Waldman, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
  • Warren Webster,
  • Ethan Zuckerman, MIT Center for Civic Media


About The Poynter Institute

Founded in 1975 in St. Petersburg, Fla., The Poynter Institute is one of the nation’s top schools for professional journalists and news media leaders, as well as future journalists and journalism teachers. Poynter offers training throughout the year in the areas of online and multimedia, leadership and management, reporting, writing and editing, TV and radio, ethics and diversity, journalism education and visual journalism. Poynter’s News University ( offers journalism training to the public through more than 200 interactive modules and other forms of e-learning. It has more than 200,000 registered users in 225 countries. Poynter’s website, ( is the dominant provider of journalism news, with a focus on business analysis and the opportunities and implications of technology.


About craigconnects

Launched in March 2011, craigconnects is Craig Newmark’s personal, Web-based initiative to support philanthropy, public service, and organizations getting results in both areas.  The initiative spotlights individuals, organizations and agencies working for veterans and military families, open government, public diplomacy, back-to-basics journalism, consumer protection, and technology for the common good.  craigconnects is a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives. 


This event is exclusive to invited guests. To register for this event contact Stephanie Kousoulas at 212-621-6732 or

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