Anyone Can Whistle

The Essential Role of the Whistleblower in American Society

Feb 17, 2010
7:00 PM ET
New York

Participant Media, Warner Bros. Pictures, the Government Accountability Project, and The Paley Center for Media invite you to participate in an extraordinary and inspiring evening—inspired by the critically acclaimed Steven Soderbergh film The Informant—celebrating and examining the historical and contemporary importance of whistleblowing in America.

Tickets: Space is limited and available on a first-come, first served basis.
Members: RSVP for free tickets now to
General Public: RSVP for free tickets beginning Tuesday, February 9 to

Watch a Video of the Event

This event is part of the Robert M. Batscha University Seminar Series.


Mike German, FBI Whistleblower
Kit Foshee, Meat Safety (Ammonia) Whistleblower
Cathy Harris, U.S. Customs/Racial Profiling Whistleblower
Babak Pasdar, Telecommunication Whistleblower
Daniel Ellsberg, (Pentagon Papers) The patriarch of modern whistleblowing, his disclosures as a Rand Corporation/DOD analyst tore the covers off the deceit and concealment in the US prosecution of the Vietnam war
Frank Serpico, NYPD whistleblower brought to the screen fame by Al Pacino
Juan Williams, analyst for NPR and Fox News

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