The Newsroom
7:00 PM PT
With verbal dexterity and screwball energy, Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom explores the professional and private tensions of a cable newscast trying to reinvigorate TV journalism despite corporate interference and commercial pressures. Sorkin, who previously investigated the media’s role in society with such projects as Sports Night and The Social Network, dramatizes the ongoing, often messy struggles of a respected anchor (Jeff Daniels) and his idealistic executive producer (Emily Mortimer) to deliver quality news while reconciling their past romantic entanglement. Like such Sorkin endeavors as The West Wing and Moneyball, The Newsroom features an exemplary ensemble that brings a liveliness and texture to the proceedings. Few series have portrayed the demands of the heart and mind with such deftness.
Join the #PaleyFest conversation on Twitter:
Tweets about "PaleyFest"Aaron Sorkin, Creator & Executive Producer
Alan Poul, Executive Producer
Jeff Daniels, “Will McAvoy”
Emily Mortimer, “MacKenzie McHale”
Sam Waterston, “Charlie Skinner”
John Gallagher, Jr., “Jim Harper”
Alison Pill, “Maggie Jordan”
Thomas Sadoski, “Don Keefer”
Olivia Munn, “Sloan Sabbith”
Dev Patel, “Neal Sampat”
Moderator: Piers Morgan, Host, Piers Morgan Tonight
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6:30 pm
The Paley Museum, 25 West 52 Street, NYC
Social Media as a Tactic to Fight Antisemitism

The Paley Museum, 25 West 52 Street, NYC
Free for Paley Members I Included in General Admission