Social Media as a Tactic to Fight Antisemitism
6:30 pm
The Paley Museum, 25 West 52 Street, NYC
Social media can be a powerful tool in the fight against antisemitism, empowering individuals to use their platforms to raise awareness about all forms of hatred. As part of the PaleyImpact ongoing series, Media’s Role in Combating Antisemitism, our panel of experts will discuss their strategies in fighting prejudice online and what tools are needed to counter hatred, misinformation, and antisemitic narratives. They will also discuss how individuals can become active participants in fostering tolerance, promoting understanding, and creating a more informed and inclusive digital space.
This event is made possible by generous support from The Bertha & Isaac Liberman Foundation.
Part of Paley's ongoing series, Media's Role in Combating Antisemitism.
In Person:
Matthew Segal, Cofounder and CEO, ATTN:; Holocaust Memorial Council Board of Trustee
Hannah Bronfman, Activist; Influencer; On-Camera Personality
Hen Mazzig, Author; Global Educator; Creator and Host, And They're Jewish; Founder, Tel Aviv Institute
Maria Zalewska, Ph.D, Media and Holocaust Scholar; Executive Director, Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation
Bianna Golodryga, Anchor and Senior Global Affairs Analyst, CNN
Events and participants are subject to change.
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General Public: $30
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