In Pursuit with John Walsh
6:30 PM ET
Icon of justice and victims' rights advocate John Walsh joins America’s top-rated true-crime network, Investigation Discovery, on their joint mission to track down fugitives and find missing children with In Pursuit with John Walsh. This multi-platform initiative unifies Investigation Discovery’s active and engaged audience with Walsh’s lifelong pursuit of justice, tapping into stories that have evaded local authorities to help capture our country’s most notorious criminals-at-large. In the series, Walsh leads viewers through stories featuring the nation’s most horrific unsolved crimes, revealing details of suspects to help empower the public with information that could assist law enforcement. Audiences will be introduced to Callahan Walsh, John Walsh’s son, who joins the operation on the ground to open cases and work in tandem with the local police to search for persons of interest who have fled. ID is also partnering with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to feature two missing children each hour, featuring age-progression photos and stats in the hopes that viewers can provide new leads to their whereabouts. Join group president of ID Henry Schleiff as he hosts the world premiere of In Pursuit and special guest John Walsh, who will be available for a Q&A following the screening.
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John Walsh
Henry Schleiff, ID Group President
Callahan Walsh
Moderator: Paula Zahn
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