Ready-to-Watch: TV and Fashion

Apr 5, 2018
6:30 PM ET
New York

Our stylish panel—including real-world fashion design legend Isaac Mizrahi, leading television costume designer Jenn Rogien (Girls, Orange Is the New Black), actress Zosia Mamet (Girls’ fashion-forward Shoshanna), and esteemed moderator Bridget Foley, executive editor at Women's Wear Daily—will discuss the influence of television on designers (and vice versa), exploring the relationship between the clothes made for and worn in daily life and the images we consume on the small screen. Feedback loop? Funhouse mirror? Built on aspiration and inspiration, the dynamic between TV togs and what we actually wear is a richly fascinating one to explore.

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Events and participants are subject to change.

Isaac Mizrahi, Fashion Designer
Jenn Rogien, Costume Designer
Zosia Mamet, Actress
Moderator: Bridget Foley, Executive Editor, WWD


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