12:30 – 6:00 PM ET
Screening Marathon with Trivia & Costume Contest
The first 30 people to arrive will get a whole thing of candy beans!
In anticipation of Arrested Development’s return to the small screen, the Paley Center is devoting the Saturday before the new season’s debut (we get all giddy just typing that…maybe it’s all the juice boxes) to a marathon screening of some of the series’s most beloved episodes. So all of you motherboys, never-nudes, hot cops, and baby banana grabbers, come together to celebrate the beleaguered Bluths in a rousing community event: the best of Arrested Development—"Pier Pressure," "Afternoon Delight," and "Motherboy XXX"—on a really big screen in the company of the faithful.
At 3:00 pm we’ll take a break to play some trivia and appreciate the industriousness of those attending in AD-inspired costume—which all are encouraged to do. Just remember: No touching!
FREE for Paley Center Members
Included with general admission ($10 for adults; $8 for students and senior citizens; $5 for children under fourteen)
Paley Center Offers "This Day in Bluth Media"
In honor of the celebrated family's triumphant return to fans as a Netflix series, the Paley Center is turning over its "This Day in Media" weekly look at great programs in the Paley collection to be "This Day in Bluth Media." Starting May 21 and counting down to the May 26 release of the new season, each day will look at a memorable moment from the original three seasons.
More Paley Events Calendar

The Paley Museum, 25 West 52 Street, NYC
Free for Paley Members I Included in General Admission
The Road to the Big Game: New Orleans

The Paley Museum, 25 West 52 Street, NYC
Free for Paley Members I Included in General Admission
Celebrating the Black Heroes of Football’s Biggest Game
7:30 pm
6801 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA