An Evening with Estela Bravo: Filmmaker of Fidel: The Untold Story and Anecdotes about Fidel
6:30 PM ET
Estela Bravo is one of the world's foremost documentary filmmakers, dividing her time between the United States and Latin America. Tonight she will review her acclaimed work that has focused on Latin America and especially Cuba. Bravo will screen astonishing footage, which offers new insights into Fidel Castro. Included among the notable personalities who tell surprising stories about this man whose historical significance touches two centuries are Ted Turner, Harry Belafonte, Jesse Jackson, Hank Aaron, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Bravo will also show clips from her films that have dealt with Cuban-American relations, including Miami-Havana, which explores the human dimensions of the long separation of Cuban families; The Cuban Excludables, about Cuban detainees held in U.S. prisons; and Operation Peter Pan: Flying Back to Cuba, her moving portrait of five adults returning to their homeland after being sent to this country in the early sixties—at the beginning of the Cuban Revolution.
We invite you to experience what Alice Walker already discovered: "Estela Bravo's films are the work of an intelligent heart: moving, informative, challenging, all at once."
This event is part of the Robert M. Batscha University Seminar Series.
The Paley Center wishes to thank Cinema Guild and First Run Features for providing programming for this evening.
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