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A live broadcast from the Superdome in New Orleans, LA, featuring championship bouts in the featherweight, light heavyweight, and heavyweight divisions of boxing. In this portion, Howard Cosell introduces the contenders for the featherweight crown, Juan Malvarez and Danny Lopez. The fight begins and Lopez knocks out Malvarez in Round two, winning the featherweight crown. Cosell interviews Lopez. The careers of light heavyweights Victor Galindez and Mike Rossman are reviewed, and then Galindez and Rossman begin their bout for the light heavyweight crown.

Rossman takes the crown from Galindez in Round Thirteen on a technical knock-out. Cosell interviews Rossman and recaps the fight. The career of heavyweight champion Leon Spinks is reviewed and includes excerpts from the 1976 Olympics and from his February 1978 fight against Muhammad Ali. A review of the career of heavyweight challenger Muhammad Ali begins and includes excerpts from the 1960 Olympic Trials, the 1960 Olympics, his two Sonny Liston fights, his refusal of military induction on religious grounds, and Ali's first fight with Joe Frazier.

The review of Ali's career continues and includes a taped interview in which he promises to "destroy Spinks." Heavyweight ex-champion Joe Frazier sings "The Star-Spangled Banner." The heavyweight bout between champion Leon Spinks and challenger Muhammad Ali begins. Spinks shows strength in the early rounds. Between rounds, Frank Gifford speaks with Sylvester Stallone and Larry Holmes. Ali begins to take control of the fight.

Ali wins on a decision and gains the heavyweight crown for a record third time. Cosell tries to interview Ali in the ring amidst much activity. At the close, Bob Dylan's recording of "Forever Young" is played over footage of the thirty-six-year-old Ali's boxing career. Includes commercials.

Also includes an "ABC News Brief" with Max Robinson.


  • DATE: September 15, 1978 Friday 8:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 1:00:00
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: T80:0411
  • GENRE: Sports
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Boxing; Sports
  • SERIES RUN: ABC - TV, 1978


  • Roone Arledge … Executive Producer
  • Chet Forte … Producer
  • Alex Wallau … Associate Producer
  • Howard Cosell … Sports Commentator
  • Chris Schenkel … Sports Commentator
  • Frank Gifford … Sports Commentator
  • Muhammad Ali (See also: Cassius Clay)
  • Bob Dylan
  • Joe Frazier
  • Victor Galindez
  • Larry Holmes
  • Sonny Liston
  • Danny Lopez
  • Juan Malvarez
  • Pele
  • Max Robinson
  • Mike Rossman
  • Sylvester Stallone
  • Leon Spinks
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