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This program presents coverage of the "Prayer for America" service, an interfaith memorial service for the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Announcers Bill Ritter and Diana Williams banter with each other as people are seen making their way into the stands at Yankee Stadium in New York. Among the faces are those of former President Bill Clinton, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), and New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. New York's deputy mayor, Rudy Washington, is the first to speak. He thanks those who arranged the event, as well as the people who are working on the recovery effort. Washington introduces the Amor-Artis Chorus and Orchestra, which perform "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" as speakers and honored guests of the afternoon take their seats in the center of the field. Actor James Earl Jones arrives at the podium and makes several brief comments. He says "Our nation is united as never before -- in our grief, but also in our resolve to build a better world." Jones introduces mistress of ceremonies Oprah Winfrey. Winfrey discusses the attacks and the strength of Americans in the face of what has happened. She says, "What was meant to divide us has drawn us together." She then introduces the Commander in Chief of the Atlantic Fleet, Admiral Robert Natter. Natter elaborates on the American flag and its symbolism, after which the National Color Guard parades the colors as three New York City police officers sing the national anthem.

At this point, Winfrey asks Edward Cardinal Egan, Archbishop of New York, and Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, chaplain of the Fire Department of New York City, to give the invocation. Next, a number of religious leaders offer their own comments: Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Rabbi Alvin Kass, Rabbi Marc Gellman, and Rabbi Joy Levitt. Winfrey then introduces Placido Domingo, who sings "Ave Maria." After this performance, Winfrey welcomes Giuliani to the podium. The mayor talks about the attacks and their aftermath and shares a story about St. Paul's Chapel, which he sees as a symbol of strength for the city -- a building that is still standing despite its proximity to the collapsed World Trade Center towers. Giuliani thanks the leaders taking Americans through their current struggle, and he closes with a thought about those who were lost on September 11. Next, a series of speakers is introduced. Griselda Cuevas reads from the New Testament in Spanish. Firefighter George Reece reads part of a letter from St. Paul. Thomas Daily, Bishop of Brooklyn, talks about the changes in life in the city since September 11 and the hope that he sees still alive in the hearts of Americans. Inberjit Singh of the Sikh Temple of Richmond Hills offers a prayer. Winfrey then welcomes the Boys and Girls Choir of Harlem, which performs a medley of hymns and spirituals, beginning with "Lift Every Voice and Sing" and concluding with "We Shall Overcome," which many present join in singing.

Winfrey then welcomes New York State Governor George Pataki to the podium. Pataki gives a brief speech, during which he observes that "part of America died" on September 11. He also affirms that Americans have the power to rise "above the evil" that claimed the lives of their lost loved ones. Finally, he eulogizes the lost with the strength of the living by naming the many actions that would make those who were lost proud of the survivors. Next, a Muslim cleric says a prayer in Arabic, and Imam Muhammad Shamsi-Ali reads from the Koran. A New York Police Department chaplain, Imam Izak-El M. Pasha, makes comments about the Islamic faith, stating, "We Muslims, Americans, stand today with a heavy weight on our shoulder -- that those who would dare do such dastardly acts claim our faith. They are no believers in God at all." Next, Bette Midler sings "The Wind Beneath My Wings." The Reverend Carolyn Halloway reads from the Bible, the Reverend Mark Sisk says a prayer, and the Reverend Dr. James Forbes reads from the gospel of Matthew. Archbishop Anania Arapajian of the Armenian Church in America then says a prayer and talks of his admiration for the American people.

The Reverend Dr. Calvin Butts speaks of the way in which Americans will get through the current tragedy, and the Reverend Dr. David Benke leads a prayer. Next, Winfrey acknowledges former President Bill Clinton, who is seated in the audience. She then introduces Lee Greenwood, who sings "God Bless the U.S.A." Archbishop Demetrious, the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of America, then relays the benediction. He is followed by Pandit Roop Sukhram, who offers a Hindu prayer. For the service's finale, Marc Anthony sings "America the Beautiful." Announcers Diana Williams and Bill Ritter then offer comments on the afternoon. David Ushery also provides an overview of the "Prayer for America," mentioning a few poignant moments. Speakers and dignitaries are seen leaving their seats and making their way out of the stadium. Finally, correspondent Cheryl Fiandoca reports from outside Yankee Stadium. She suggests that the ceremony provided closure for many of those who attended. Includes a commercial and a promo.


  • DATE: September 23, 2001 Sunday 12:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 2:56:14
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: T:67939
  • GENRE: Specials
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Memorial rites and ceremonies; September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001
  • SERIES RUN: WABC (New York, NY) - TV, 2001


  • Oprah Winfrey … Host
  • Bill Ritter … Announcer
  • Diana Williams … Announcer
  • David Ushery … Reporter
  • Cheryl Fiandoca … Reporter
  • Griselda Cuevas … Speaker
  • Thomas Daily … Speaker
  • Edward Cardinal Egan … Speaker
  • Marc Gellman … Speaker
  • Giuliani, Rudy (see also: Giuliani, Rudolph) … Speaker
  • James Earl Jones … Speaker
  • Alvin Kass … Speaker
  • Joy Levitt … Speaker
  • Robert Natter … Speaker
  • Joseph Potasnik … Speaker
  • George Reece … Speaker
  • Arthur Schneier … Speaker
  • Inberjit Singh … Speaker
  • Rudy Washington … Speaker
  • Anania Arapajian … Speaker
  • David Benke … Speaker
  • Calvin Butts … Speaker
  • Archbishop Demetrious … Speaker
  • James Forbes … Speaker
  • Lee Greenwood … Speaker
  • Carolyn Halloway … Speaker
  • George Pataki … Speaker
  • Izak-El M. Pasha … Speaker
  • Muhammad Shamsi-Ali … Speaker
  • Mark Sisk … Speaker
  • Pandit Roop Sukhram … Speaker
  • Placido Domingo … Singer
  • Boys and Girls Choir of Harlem, The … Choir/Chorus
  • Amor-Artis Chorus, The … Choir/Chorus
  • Marc Anthony … Singer
  • Bette Midler … Singer
  • Bill Clinton
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton
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