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This comedy program features stand-up comedian John Leguizamo's one-man Broadway performance, which profiles his Latino family. In this program, Leguizamo performs monologues and does impressions of family members, revealing humorous moments and poignant tales of his life. Highlights include the following, among others: his birth in Latin America after his mother endured forty-six hours of labor; the family's move to Jackson Heights, Queens, in the U.S.; his father's bedtime stories; the reason Latino mothers treat their children like kings; family barbecues in Flushing Meadow Park; his grandfather's suffering on a life support system; the way everyone has a grandmother who is good and another who is evil; his father's lectures, often drowned out by noisy subways; the way he and his younger brother used their imaginations while playing in their run-down, cramped apartment; the time the antenna broke on his father's sacred television set; the role reversal after his father would have a couple of drinks; his growing need for sexual pleasure when puberty arrived; the result when his father's far-fetched plans for success actually happened; his gay uncle as a surrogate father; his early experiences at Broadway shows; his father's new job after his professional career bombed; meeting his first girlfriend and then her father; the devastation when his family moved to an Irish neighborhood; visiting a bar there on St. Patrick's Day; the time his father wanted to make him a man; his parents' failed marriage; attempts to prove to himself and his father that he could make it on his own; his first stage audition, which was an accident; and a sad meeting with his father years later.

(This program contains adult-language and situations.)


  • DATE: October 10, 1998 Saturday 10:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 1:29:42
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: T:55126
  • GENRE: Comedy
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Comedy; Stand-up comedy; Hispanic Americans - Comedy
  • SERIES RUN: HBO - TV, 1998


  • John Leguizamo … Executive Producer
  • Robert Morton … Executive Producer
  • Krysia Plonka … Coordinating Producer
  • Denis Biggs … Producer
  • Heather Maidat … Associate Producer
  • Spike Lee … Director
  • David Bar Katz … Direction (Misc.), Originally directed for the stage by, Developed by
  • John Leguizamo … Performer