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Continued from T:53434. One in this six-part series documenting the twenty-five-year period of the American Revolution. Episode four chronicles the Revolutionary War from General Clinton's capture of Charleston and the South, to the American victory at Yorktown and the peace treaty with the British. This program, narrated by Edward Herrmann, includes remarks by historians, re-creations of historical events, and dramatizations of colonialists' documents, letters, and diaries. Comments include: historian Colin Bonwick on British General Clinton's strategy to conquer the Southern states after the disappointing results in New England; Margaret Washinton and Sylvia R. Frey on the British plan to liberate the slaves and turn them against the patriots; and Ron Hoffman on the failed British strategy to divide and conquer by arming and empowering loyalist Americans. Included are quotes from loyalist and patriot Americans during the conflict. Meanwhile, the Marquis de Lafayette had convinced Louis XVI to send French troops and supplies to America. Historians Gordon S. Wood and Richard Norton Smith, and author George C. Neumann describe the stalemate in the North, and Washington's sense of frustration, aggravated by French General Rochimbaud's reluctance to enter into battle. Pauline Maier, N.A.M. Rodgers, and John Keegan discuss the strategies of General Greene, who took over the campaign in the South and led the British, headed by General Cornwallis, on a wild goose chase. The conflict reached a turning point when French troops from the Caribbean joined Washington and Rochimbaud's forces in an attack at Yorktown. Jeremy Black and Jim Haskett provide analyses and descriptions of the battle at Yorktown, followed by a recreation of the event. The program concludes with the British truce and the 1783 peace treaty signed in Paris. Continues with T:53431.

Cataloging of this program was made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1998.


  • DATE: November 25, 1997 Tuesday 9:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:56:10
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: T:53433
  • GENRE: Public affairs/Documentaries; Docudrama
  • SUBJECT HEADING: U S - History - Revolution
  • SERIES RUN: PBS - TV series, 1997


  • Catherine Allan … Executive Producer
  • Erika Herrmann … Coordinating Producer
  • Ellen Hovde … Producer, Director
  • Muffie Meyer … Producer, Director
  • Sharon Sachs … Co-Producer
  • Ronald Blumer … Co-Producer, Writer
  • Jennifer Raikes … Associate Producer
  • Smokey Forester … Series Producer
  • Laurie Jones … Researcher
  • Tim Brady … Writer, For KTCA, Researcher
  • Richard Einhorn … Music by
  • Mark O'Connor … Music by
  • Forrest Sawyer … Host
  • Herrmann, Edward (See also: Herrmann, Ed) … Narrator
  • David Bishins … Cast, Melancton Smith
  • Leo Burmester … Cast, Gen. Nathanael Greene
  • Richard Clarke … Cast, the British Officer
  • Matthew Cowles … Cast, William Gibson
  • John Curless … Cast, Gen. Henry Clinton
  • Daniel Gerroll … Cast, Gen. Charles Cornwallis
  • Ronald Guttman … Cast, Count de Rochambeau
  • Murphy Guyer … Cast, Benjamin Gilbert
  • Philip Seymour Hoffman … Cast, Joseph Plumb Martin
  • Jonathan Hogan … Cast, Gen. Timothy Pickering
  • Alex Jennings … Cast, King George III
  • Mark Letheren … Cast, the British soldier
  • Neil Maffin … Cast, Charles Woodmason and an Anti-Federalist
  • Donna Murphy … Cast, Abigail Adams
  • James Naughton … Cast, Patrick Henry
  • Mark Nelson … Cast, the Loyalist
  • Austin Pendleton … Cast, Benjamin Rush
  • Kali Rocha … Cast, Eliza Wilkinson
  • Sabastian RochŽ … Cast, Marquis de Lafayette
  • Campbell Scott … Cast, Thomas Jefferson
  • Jamison Selby … Cast, the Southern Patriot
  • Joris Stuyck … Cast, Johann Ewald
  • Sam Tsoutsouvas … Cast, Hugh Ledlie
  • Jake Weber … Cast, the Virginia Gentleman
  • Paxton Whitehead … Cast, Horace Walpole
  • Isiah Whitlock … Cast, Luke, a Slave
  • Stephen Lang … Cast, George Washington
  • Jeremy Black
  • Colin Bonwick
  • Sylvia R. Frey
  • Jim Haskett
  • Ron Hoffman
  • John Keegan
  • Pauline Maier
  • George C. Neumann
  • N.A.M. Rodgers
  • Richard Norton Smith
  • Margaret Washington
  • Gordon S. Wood
  • Yo-Yo Ma
  • Wynton Marsalis
  • James Taylor
  • Nashville Symphony, The
  • David Hildebrand
  • Ginger Hildebrand