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One in this series of talk/interview programs, loosely adapted from Andy Warhol's Interview magazine. First, actress Clio Goldsmith discusses her flair for striptease and her career as a B-movie actress. Included are portraits of Goldsmith and Annette OÕToole, by Bob Kiss and Peter Strongwater. Next, Interview magazine managing editor Robert Hayes speaks with actress Annette OÕToole during a photo shoot. Topics discussed include her first role in the film "Gunsmoke" and her role as Lana Lang in the new movie "Superman III" (1983). Warhol then introduces the art show "12 Original Works of Art for 12 Original Shoes," which Interview presented at the White Columns gallery. Art directors Robert Becker and Marc Balet explain the concept of the show, and contributing artists Robert Lee Morris, Judy Pfaff, and Futura 2000 comment on their "shoe" pieces, their art careers, and their interest in shoes. Included is footage of the crowds and of artworks by Larry Rivers, Christopher Hewat, Keith Haring, Bruce Robbins, Judyth Van Amringe, and Judy Rifka. Artists Rodney Ripps and Balet comment on their pieces. Two more photo shoots with comedienne Andrea Martin and actress Ali McGraw follow. Martin speaks about the evolution of SCTV from stage to television, and MacGraw reflects on her career in publishing and acting. Finally, Warhol narrates footage of his visit to the home of photographer Peter Beard and model Cheryl Tiegs in New Jersey. They play badminton, and Beard shows Warhol his rock collection and the burned ruins of a converted windmill. Commercials deleted.

(Network varies; this series was telecast on Manhattan Cable TV from 1981 to 1984 and on the Madison Square Garden Network in 1983.)

Cataloging of this program was made possible by the Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, 1999.


  • DATE: May 2, 1983 Monday 10:30 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:24:10
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: T:46604
  • GENRE: Magazine; Talk/Interviews
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Acting; Art, American; Magazine
  • SERIES RUN: MSG - TV series, 1983


  • Andy Warhol … Executive Producer
  • Vincent Fremont … Producer
  • Don Munroe … Director
  • Walter Steding … Theme Music by
  • Andy Warhol … Host
  • Robert Hayes … Interviewer
  • Harry, Deborah (See also: Harry, Debbie) … Announcer
  • Marc Balet … Guest
  • Robert Becker … Guest
  • Peter Beard … Guest
  • Clio Goldsmith … Guest
  • Ali MacGraw … Guest
  • Andrea Martin … Guest
  • Annette OÕToole … Guest
  • Donald Baechler
  • Futura 2000
  • Keith Haring
  • Christopher Hewat
  • Bob Kiss
  • Robert Lee Morris
  • Judy Pfaff
  • Judy Rifka
  • Rodney Ripps
  • Larry Rivers
  • Bruce Robbins
  • Peter Strongwater
  • Cheryl Tiegs
  • Van Amringe, Judyth
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