One in this dramatic anthology series. In this adaptation of George Bellak's play, a college student, Stanley Carr, struggles with his conscience over whether to reveal what he knows about a horrible crime which his friends commited or to continue to cover up the deed and move on with his life. In a drunken stupor, Stanley's classmates Steve, Sandy, and Ralph take their aggressions out on fellow student Torin Gerrity to teach him a lesson, and accidentally kill him. As a bystander, Stanley had tried to stop the fight, but was outnumbered and was unable help his friend Torin. The students decide to hide the body and cover up any evidence of what happened to Torin. As Stanley agonizes over whether to keep silent about the murder, he is confronted by Steve's father, Mr. Sprock, about what should be done. A few days later, the news of Torin's mysterious death reaches the Gerrity household. Stanley visits the family to drop off some of Torin personal belongings and begins to fall for Torin's sister, Clara. Back at the school, the students act as if nothing happened, which makes Stanley wonder why he's holding back the information he knows. The pressure on Stanley to remain quiet mounts and he decides the only way out is to leave college and go home. He finally reveals his love for Clara and also confesses about what happened the night Torin was killed. Clara is shocked that Stanley didn't stop the others from killing Torin and vows never to see him again. Stanley decides to go the police with his story but is beaten to the punch by the other students who claim that Stanley did nothing to prevent the incident. Right before the preliminary hearing about the case, the students corner Stanley, who proceeds to fend them off with a baseball bat. He knows that testifying is the right thing to do, no matter what the outcome holds for himself or for his future with Clara. Includes commercials and a promo.
- DATE: November 21, 1957 Thursday 9:30 PM
- RUNNING TIME: 1:30:20
- CATALOG ID: T:39450
- GENRE: Drama
- SUBJECT HEADING: Drama; Murder - Drama
- SERIES RUN: CBS - TV series, 1956-1960
- TV - Commercials - All-State insurance
- TV - Commercials - American Gas Association
- TV - Commercials - Ban deodorant
- TV - Commercials - Ipana Plus toothpaste
- TV - Commercials - Marlboro cigarettes
- TV - Promos - "Playhouse 90: The Panic Button"
- Martin Manulis … Producer
- Peter Kortner … Associate Producer
- John Frankenheimer … Director
- George Bellak … Writer, Adapted from the play by
- Fred Steiner … Music by, Composer, Conductor
- Robert Stack … Host
- Dick Joy … Announcer
- Ben Gazzara … Cast, Stanley Carr
- Barbara Rush … Cast, Clara Gerrity
- Mary Astor … Cast, Mattie Gerrity
- Jackie Coogan … Cast, Sgt. Bender
- Harry Guardino … Cast, Ralph Como
- Nick Adams … Cast, Sandy Remington
- Robert Vaughn … Cast, Steve Sprock
- Keenan Wynn … Cast, Mr. Sprock
- Jack Mullaney … Cast, Torin Gerrity
- Malcolm Atterbury … Cast, Otis Gerrity