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One in this series of late-night topical interview programs hosted by Tom Snyder. On this show, Tom Snyder interviews "the Master of Suspense," motion picture and television director Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock discusses the following topics, among others: his fear of the law and policemen; the repercussions of his Jesuit education; his behavior as a director; the consequences of mass communication; the one violent act that he regrets putting in a film; his sense of humor and love of practical jokes; the basic theme of all of his films -- an innocent man accused of a crime; how suspense is created; his plans for the future; his current and previous efforts to lose weight; and what he hoped he would accomplish when he first began directing films. Hitchcock also gives examples of rhyming slang, practical jokes he has played, and horror stories he would like to make into films. Includes commercials, promos, and public service announcements.


  • DATE: c. 1973/11 1:00 AM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:58:54
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: T:35505
  • GENRE: Talk/Interviews
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Films; Horror tales; Motion picture directors; Practical jokes; Rhyming games; Slang
  • SERIES RUN: NBC - TV series, 1973-1982
    • TV - Commercials - Bufferin pain reliever
    • TV - PSA - "Give a Hoot! Don't Pollute"
    • TV - PSA - AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
    • TV - PSA - CARE
    • TV - PSA - Drug Prevention
    • TV - PSA - Jewish Chautauqua Society
    • TV - PSA - NEA (National Teachers Association)
    • TV - PSA - The American Red Cross
    • TV - PSA - The Better Business Bureau
    • TV - PSA - The Heart Association
    • TV - PSA- U.S. Department of Labor Wage & Hour Division
    • TV - PSA - Use Mass Transit; Lung Association
    • TV - PSA - YWCA
    • TV - Promos - "Hallmark Hall of Fame: Lisa, Bright and Dark"
    • TV - Promos - "NBC Sunday Mystery Movie: McCloud"


  • Tom Snyder … Host, Interviewer
  • Alfred Hitchcock … Guest
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