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One in this series of dramatic specials presented by Hallmark. This docudrama interprets the events of the Potsdam, Germany, summit of July 1945, attended by President Harry S Truman, British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill, and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin -- the last summit conference of World War II. The program begins with a summary of the world events leading up to the conference as well as descriptions of the personalities involved. This and other historical background information is dispensed in newscast style by American, Soviet, and British "broadcasters" who appear from time to time to supplement the dramatic action. Highlights of the drama include the following: the initial meeting of the three leaders and their impressions of one another; the choice by Churchill and Stalin of Truman (a novice at international negotiations) as chairman; etiquette errors made by Truman at the first meeting; Churchill's "endless oratorical disquisition" achieves its calculated wearying effect, in concert with the intense summer heat; Truman tells his aides that he wishes to keep the Soviets out of the Pacific; Churchill suggests to an assistant that his real goal at the conference is to ensure that Truman and Stalin don't end up liking each other too much; Churchill expresses feelings of disquiet over the upcoming election in Britain, which he fears his party may lose; Truman learns of the successful atomic bomb test in New Mexico, says he wants to end the war quickly, and tells his advisors he will accept nothing less than an unconditional surrender from Japan; all of Truman's advisors -- except Gen. George C. Marshall -- warn him against use of the bomb; Churchill goes home for the election results; Truman purposely delays sending "The Potsdam Proclamation" (an ultimatum demanding Japanese surrender) to the Soviets so they do not have enough time to analyze and sign it; the Soviets react angrily to this maneuver; Truman drops the A-bomb on August 6, 1945; a deeply melancholy Churchill broods over his election loss; and Stalin, his negative suspicions of the West confirmed, goes home resolved to drop an "iron curtain" over Europe. Includes commercials and promos.

("Hallmark Hall of Fame" aired on NBC from 1952 to 1978; network affiliation varies after 1978.)

(Beginning with the live telecast of the opera "Amahl and the Night Visitors" on December 24, 1951, Hallmark has sponsored a series of dramatic specials which, since 1952, has aired under the title "Hallmark Hall of Fame." From 1952 to 1955 Hallmark also presented "Hallmark Hall of Fame," a weekly half-hour or hour-long dramatic anthology series, usually hosted by Sarah Churchill. The first program, "Dr. Serocold," was televised in January 1952 under the title "Hallmark Television Theatre." This series also ran under the title "Hallmark Summer Theatre" in July and August 1952.)


  • DATE: April 8, 1976 Thursday 8:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 1:27:18
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: T:33486
  • GENRE: Docudrama; Specials
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Atomic bomb; Docudrama; Potsdam Conference, 1945; World War II - 1945
  • SERIES RUN: NBC - TV series, 1951-1978
    • TV - Commercials - Hallmark Easter cards and party supplies
    • TV - Commercials - Hallmark greeting cards
    • TV - Commercials - Hallmark pens
    • TV - Promos - "Hallmark Hall of Fame: Peter Pan"


  • David Susskind … Producer
  • George Schaefer … Director
  • Sidney Carroll … Writer
  • Charles L. Lee Jr. … Based on the book by
  • Lee Vines … Announcer
  • John Houseman … Cast, Winston S. Churchill
  • Jose Ferrer … Cast, Joseph Stalin
  • Ed Flanders … Cast, Harry S. Truman
  • Alexander Knox … Cast, Henry Stimson
  • Barry Morse … Cast, James Byrnes
  • David Schoenbrun … Cast, General George C. Marshall