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This documentary focuses on self-described "wrinkled radical" Maggie Kuhn, a social activist and founder of the intergenerational advocacy organization known as the Gray Panthers. Images of demonstrations in which Kuhn has participated are shown, after which portions of an interview with Kuhn conducted by Studs Terkel are interspersed with other footage of the activist. Kuhn expresses her view of "old age as a zesty, gusty, lusty period," and she recalls her meeting with President Gerald Ford. A narrator describes Kuhn's work, and she is seen working and going through enormous piles of mail. Kuhn talks to Terkel about her early years and her family, and two other women join their conversation, registered nurse Linda Horn and gerontologist Elma Griesel. The three, who live and work together, discuss their living situation and the many experiences they have shared. The narrator talks about Kuhn's fund-raising methods, and Kuhn describes the monumental task of going through the Gray Panthers' mail. She is seen speaking at the State Nurses Convention in Fort Dodge, Iowa, about health care for the elderly and the role of the nurse. After her speech, the nurse attendees share dialogue about the plight of elderly people in institutions. Next, Kuhn visits the Cedar Falls Lutheran Home, where the chaplain has started a Gray Panther group. Kuhn and several of the residents discuss patients' rights. The program concludes after Terkel asks Kuhn how she responds to being patronized. She exclaims, "You fight back, and you remind people that they're too gonna get old."

Cataloging of this program was made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 2001/2002.


  • DATE: 1975
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:27:31
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: T:29726
  • GENRE: Public affairs/Documentaries
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Aged - Political activity; Gray Panthers; Political activists
  • SERIES RUN: PBS - TV, 1975


  • A.H. Perlmutter … Executive Producer
  • Howard Weinberg … Producer
  • Janet Skelton … Associate Producer
  • Studs Terkel … Interviewer
  • Gerald Ford
  • Elma Griesel
  • Linda Horn
  • Maggie Kuhn
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