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One in this dramatic anthology series. Audrey Hepburn makes her debut in a full-length television drama in this tale about cynicism and faith. Waiting out a storm, three strangers take refuge in a railroad cafe and share their dreams for the future, each traveler hoping the anticipated trip will alter his or her life. Joe Winters, who continuously plays "It's a Big Wide Wonderful World" on the jukebox to drown out his fear of the thunder, is travelling to Dallas to begin a new sales job that he hopes will change his luck as a black sheep and a failure; Jane Perkinson has left the guest house she ran for almost thirty years and plans to travel to Mexico on her life savings to discover the adventure and romance she has only dreamed about; and Virginia Forsythe, a pretty, newly orphaned sixteen-year-old with a metal brace on one leg, boasts she is going to Hollywood to become a dancer. Her optimistic fantasy is shot down, however, by Bill Shaw, the fourth traveler waiting in the cafe, who ridicules Virginia's dream -- because she is crippled. Shaw claims to be a "realist," but Virginia accuses him of being a cynic and, to challenge his skepticism, performs an awkward dance to a Viennese waltz on the jukebox. Rescued from embarrassment when the bartender asks her to dance with him, she in turn asks Shaw for a dance. As the rain lets up and Virginia sets off on her journey, she reveals her true destination and faces some hard facts, leaving the "idle dreamers" behind, lost in a world of pipe dreams. Commercials deleted.


  • DATE: April 13, 1952 Sunday 4:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:29:40
  • COLOR/B&W: B&W
  • CATALOG ID: T:12056
  • GENRE: Drama
  • SERIES RUN: CBS - TV series, 1952
    • TV - Promos - "Celebrity Time"
    • TV - Promos - "The Fred Waring Show"


  • Norris Houghton … Producer
  • David Rich … Director
  • Meade Roberts … Writer, Written for television by
  • Audrey Hepburn … Cast, Virginia
  • Carmen Mathews … Cast, Jane Perkinson
  • Anthony Ross … Cast, Joe Winters
  • Robert Ross … Cast, Harold Moore
  • Paul Langton … Cast, Bill Shaw
  • Conrad Nagel … Talent, "Celebrity Time" promo
  • Fred Waring … Talent, "The Fred Waring Show" promo