One in this series of radio shows in which conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh expresses his opinions and takes listener phone calls. In this program, the self-styled "voice of reason" discusses the following topics: President George Bush's campaign trip to New Hampshire the previous day; and a man in San Francisco who is offering "amnesty" to people who turn in their fur coats to him, a program which Limbaugh calls a scam. In addition, Limbaugh asserts that there is no environmental crisis on the planet, that agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service cause unemployment by protecting endangered species, and that an enormous federal "land grab" is in effect in the name of the environment.
The right-wing firebrand also states that abortion will not be the critical issue people believe it will be at the polls in 1992; takes a call from a man in Detroit who feels Americans should not support the Japanese economy by buying Japanese cars; talks with a caller from Fremont, California who suggests that Americans cannot compete with the Japanese because of the low wages that factory workers are paid there; introduces a "Gulf War Retrospective" coming up in the next hour of the program; and expresses, to a caller from Utah, his belief that Bush will win re-election, despite his reservations about the president's recent indecisiveness.
Next, Limbaugh presents a "gleeful" look back at the Persian Gulf War on the first anniversary of the Allied air campaign against Iraq. He reminds listeners that many people at the time believed American troops were too soft and would not stand up to the battle-tested Iraqi army; suggests that the anti-war movement in the U.S. was defeated because of tremendous national support for the war; notes that Bush rose to unprecedented heights of popularity after the war; and lambastes the media for its coverage of the conflict.
Next, Limbaugh plays several novelty songs which celebrate the Allied bombing campaign which took the lives of 100,000 Iraqi soldiers and civilians. Musical selections include the following: "Bomb Iraq," to the tune of the Beach Boys' "Barbara Ann"; "Hello Saddam," to the melody of "Hello Dolly"; "Yakety Yak Bomb Iraq," to the tune of the Coasters' "Yakety Yak"; and "Bomb Iraq Around the Clock" to the melody of Bill Haley and the Comets' "(We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock." Next, Limbaugh offers a comedy segment in which he announces a promo for "Gulf War I: The Miniseries" with rather surprising casting choices.
The host then plays a mix combining portions of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf's address to Congress with Lee Greenwood's song, "God Bless the USA"; and he closes the segment by suggesting that there are two things that could destroy the Bush presidency -- an accident or a decline in the economy.
In the last segment of the program, Limbaugh discusses a CNN/USA Today poll which asked Americans for their opinions about the major domestic issues of the day; and he reacts positively or negatively to the majority opinions on abortion, prayer in schools, the environment, national health care, affirmative action and other issues.
Limbaugh also offers his opinion and takes calls on the following topics: the current backlash against Bush within the Republican Party; how Limbaugh feels Bush should approach the rest of his campaign; poor customer service in the American retail industry; and the "liberal media." In addition, Limbaugh takes a call from a woman whose son served in the Persian Gulf War, thanking him for his retrospective in the previous hour of this program. To close out the show, Limbaugh once again plays a recording combining portions of Schwarzkopf's address to Congress with Greenwood's "God Bless the USA."
Includes commercials, a promo, public service announcements, and an informational brief about the FBI with taped comments by Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director William Sessions.
- NETWORK: Syndicated
- DATE: January 16, 1992 Thursday 12:00 PM
- RUNNING TIME: 0:53:02
- CATALOG ID: R:8373
- GENRE: Radio - Talk/Interviews
- SUBJECT HEADING: Persian Gulf War; Talk/Interviews;
- SERIES RUN: Syndicated - Radio series, 1988-
- Radio - Commercials - Afrin nasal moisturizer
- Radio - Commercials - Cigarrest smoking cessation aid
- Radio - Commercials - Compuserve online service
- Radio - Commercials - L'Eggs pantyhose
- Radio - Commercials - Miracle Ear hearing aids
- Radio - Commercials - Multilingua language course
- Radio - Commercials - National Dynamics language programs
- Radio - Commercials - Perillo tours
- Radio - Commercials - Ready Set Read audio cassette program
- Radio - Commercials - Snapple soft drinks
- Radio - Commercials - True Value hardware
- Radio - Commercials - Verbal Advantage audio cassette program
- Radio - National Institute of Mental Health
- Radio - PSA - Ad Council and Department of Transportation: safety belts
- Radio - PSA - Alzheimer's Association helpline
- Radio - PSA - American Academy of Dermatology: hot tub infections
- Radio - PSA - American Podiatric Association
- Radio - PSA - Children's Hopes & Dreams Foundation
- Radio - PSA - Education Commission of the States
- Radio - PSA - Holy Childhood Association (HCA)
- Radio - PSA - National Oceanic and Atmosopheric Administration: winter storm safety
- Radio - PSA - Salvation Army
- Radio - PSA - Small Business Association
- Radio - PSA - U.S. Department of Labor (cumulative trauma disorder)
- Radio - PSA - U.S. Savings Bonds
- Radio - Promos - "Star-a-Thon ' 92" for cerebral palsy
- The Pretenders … Music Group, Theme Music by, Theme song "My City Was Gone" by
- Lee Greenwood … Singer, Composer
- Rush Limbaugh (See also: Jeff Christie) … Host
- William Barr
- The Beach Boys
- George H.W. Bush
- The Coasters
- Bill Haley and the Comets
- H. Norman Schwarzkopf
- William Sessions