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One in this series of Spanish-language morning talk shows, broadcast from New York for Latin American listeners in the United States. Its host, Dr. Manuel Rico Perez, answers medical questions. Rico Perez begins this edition with a lecture about people's general well being, linking attitude to health and accomplishment. He stresses the uniqueness of each person and the specific talents we all have to share with the world. The doctor moves on to a discussion of the importance of natural products in treating the body and the soul, and then he quickly comments on the growing success of baseball star Sammy Sosa. Rico Perez then takes calls, every now and then interrupted by commercials. Listeners call in to ask about medical problems such blood pressure, circulation, menstrual irregularity, diarrhea, colds, sugar levels, and appetite loss. For each problem the doctor recommends appropriate natural products. Other callers include a fan, thanking the doctor for the efficacy of his products, and an admirer, whispering passionate feelings for the doctor. Rico Perez concludes by saying that he considers himself very fortunate to be able to help people in this program. This program ends, and a half-hour news segment follows, presented by Ivan Isaguirre and JosŽ Ram—n Coti. It is part of the "First Plan" program. Subjects covered include Bill Clinton's visit to Russia, in which he offers advice to President Boris Yeltsin about Russia's work toward democracy, along with a promise of U.S. support for that effort; a back-to-school tax-free week in New York City; crime in Central Park and other parts of New York; the success of the video release of the film "Titanic"; the new school year; the Sosa-McGwire rivalry in baseball; and the weather. The hosts also report on news from Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Ecuador, and they share more sports news. They review and discuss the top news story -- the need for Russia to continue on its path toward democracy, and the promise from the U.S. to support this effort financially. Listeners are invited to call and give their opinion on the American aid. Some callers advise against helping Russia, which they see as an enemy or rival. Most, however, seem to believe that the U.S. aid will help Russia prevent a return to communism -- and will help the Russian people, who are in tremendous need. The program concludes with a short news summary detailing a confrontation between workers and police in Peru, a study of the increase in average family income because so many families have two incomes, and a weather report. This program includes commercials, public service announcements and promos. Promos include Jennifer Lopez for Radio WADO, and public service announcements include Mayor Rudy Giuliani for New York City's tax-free week.

(This program is in Spanish.)

The acquisition and cataloging of this program were made possible by Marvin and Jacqueline Kosofsky.


  • DATE: September 1, 1998 Tuesday 11:00 AM
  • RUNNING TIME: 1:59:38
  • COLOR/B&W: N/A
  • CATALOG ID: R:16974
  • GENRE: Radio - Talk/Interviews; Radio - News
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Naturopathy; U S - Foreign relations - Russia
  • SERIES RUN: WADO-AM (New York, NY) - Radio
    • Radio - Commercial - 1010297 International Calls
    • Radio - Commercial - AT&T long distance
    • Radio - Commercial - Campaign for Jack Shumman
    • Radio - Commercial - Campaign for Pedro Espada
    • Radio - Commercial - Continental Hardware stores
    • Radio - Commercial - Mary First Loans
    • Radio - Commercial - Mercury automobiles
    • Radio - Commercial - More Than Windows
    • Radio - Commercial - Natural Products of Dr. Manuel Rico Perez
    • Radio - Commercial - New York Lottery
    • Radio - Commercial - Pavolami Salami
    • Radio - PSA - Back to School Sale, NYC Tax free, presented by Mayor Giuliani
    • Radio - PSA - Department of Treasury, New 20$ Bills
    • Radio - PSA - Family Help Line and Parents Anonymous
    • Radio - PSA - Sayas Cancer Support
    • Radio - Promo - Programs of Radio Wado
    • Radio - Promo - Radio Wado (Jennifer Lopez)
    • Radio - Promo - Wado's Mobile Unit


  • Rico Perez, Manuel … Host
  • Ivan Isaguirre … Host
  • Jose Ramon Coti … Host
  • Giuliani, Rudy (See also: Giuliani, Rudolph) … Talent, New York City Tax-Free Week PSA
  • Jennifer Lopez … Talent, Radio WADO Promo
  • Bill Clinton
  • Mark McGwire
  • Sammy Sosa
  • Boris Yeltsin
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