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One in this series of Polish-language religious programs, which was broadcast in the late 1940s and 1950s. This program from the Polish National Church is dedicated to the missionaries who sacrifice their lives to help others in poverty. Bishop Grochowski recalls Jesus's response to a Pharisee's question about the most important commandment: "You should love God ... and your neighbor as you love yourself." Doing so in the contemporary era is difficult, the bishop explains, because the world is not interested in God or religion. Grochowski says that people who are preoccupied with having a "good time" distance themselves from God and become soulless creatures; he also says the decline of humanity is exemplified in the mass murders of World War II. Following the example of St. Paul, the missionairies must spread the word of the Lord, according to the bishop, who then offers a prayer to God. In the second segment, Bishop Grochowski discusses the importance of family to the nation and to humanity. Grochowski compares the family in society to cells in an organism, asserting that dysfunctional families cause problems within a society. Bishop Grochowski remarks that marriage should be an unbreakable union, claiming Jesus taught that God created man and woman to continue life. Matrimony, according to the Catholic Church, is a holy sacrament that provides people with values. The bishop includes statistics about values in the U.S., and calls for a movement to save society by saving its families. As the program concludes, Bishop Grochowski refutes the words of Father Pawloski, who has objections against the Polish National Church.

(This program is in Polish.)

The acquisition and cataloging of this program were made possible by Marvin and Jaqueline Kosofsky.


  • DATE: 1940s or 1950s Sunday 7:30 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:43:44
  • COLOR/B&W: N/A
  • CATALOG ID: R:16787
  • GENRE: Radio - Religious
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Polilsh National Church; Religious
  • SERIES RUN: WLAK (Chicago, IL) - Radio series


  • Leon Grochowski … Host
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