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One in this variety series in which host Don Ameche explores the various circuses and performance shows from all around the world. In this installment, Ameche attends the Hungarian State Circus, explaining that they received a last-minute invitation while in another country and hurried to attend the show. for the first act, seven small dogs emerge with two trainers and perform a series of tricks: walking on two legs, jumping over and under hurdles, balancing on a see-saw, climbing a ladder and jumping into the trainer's arms, and turning on a merry-go-round. Next, Ameche comments on the performers' sense of humor, and two couples perform an elaborate trapeze act. They are joined by a Buster Keaton-like clown who brings a flower to one of the women and then tries his hand at the trapeze, though he ends up stuck in midair a few times and falls repeatedly into the net. After this, two clowns emerge to assist a gun-wielding man with target practice, but they end up dropping the eggs they are given and repeatedly slipping and falling in the mess, chasing each other around in a slapstick routine.

Ameche explains that aspiring circus performers attend the Hungarian Academy of Artists, where they learn about all aspects of circus life, including history, languages and many skills, graduating after four years as licensed professionals. Three "honor students" take the center ring and perform some impressive gymnastics, propelling themselves from see-saws and landing on one another's shoulders. Ameche then introduces a "bizarre" aerial act, explaining that a married couple from two different acts created their own piece, called "The Seven Hungarias," in order to work together. Several ballerinas perform a dance number, and then three couples climb onto a high pole with platforms as a seventh members rotates the pole by driving an attached motorcycle around in circles. The six acrobats perform perilous feats of balance and strength as the pole moves continuously. The Hungarian Youth Gypsy Orchestra then performs a song, and Ameche closes the program by previewing the following week's show. Includes commercials and promos.


  • DATE: December 6, 1963 7:30 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:58:14
  • COLOR/B&W: B&W
  • CATALOG ID: B:53907
  • GENRE: Variety
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Variety; Circuses; Hungary
  • SERIES RUN: NBC - TV series, 1961-1965
    • TV - Commercials - Excedrin pain relievers
    • TV - Commercials - General Mills Cheerios cereal
    • TV - Commercials - Gillette razor blades
    • TV - Commercials - Gold Medal baking supplies
    • TV - Commercials - Listerine antiseptic
    • TV - Commercials - Rollabelt seat belt device
    • TV - Promos - "Bob Hope Chrysler Theatre: The Candidate"
    • TV - Promos - "Bullwinkle"
    • TV - Promos - "Dennis the Menace"
    • TV - Promos - "Fireball XL-5"
    • TV - Promos - "Fury"
    • TV - Promos - "Hector Heathcote"
    • TV - Promos - "International Showtime" upcoming episode
    • TV - Promos - "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol"
    • TV - Promos - "Ruff and Reddy"
    • TV - Promos - "Sergeant Preston"


  • Patrick Pleven … Producer
  • Gil Cates … Director
  • Bruce MacDonell … Writer
  • Don Ameche … Host
  • Bill Wendell … Announcer