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This comedy special features stand-up comedian Billy Crystal in multiple roles. As the program begins, Crystal appears in the guise of several characters, all of whom offer thoughts about Russia: musician Lester Hawkins, Billy’s aunt Sheilah Weinblatt, and director Martin Scorsese. Crystal then narrates a montage of photos and home movies that trace his Russian roots, starting with his grandmother Sophie Hassan, who emigrated to Brooklyn. Crystal then spoofs “Field of Dreams” as he claims to hear a voice saying “If you go there, take a jacket” while working in his garden. Crystal realizes that the voice is telling him to go to Russia and find his roots, after which he heads off to “the original borscht belt.” Crystal works out his comic routines on the train, while also considering guests such as Yakov Smirnov. Finally arriving in Moscow, he heads to the Pushkin Theatre and hopes the audience can get around the language barrier. After delivering the opening of his monologue in Russian, Crystal then switches to English as he begins an evening of “jokenost.” The monologue’s subjects include: parallels between Russians and Americans; growing up frightened of Russia; the definition of Russia’s “five-year-plan”; depictions of Russians in American movies; how American actors sound when dubbed in Russian; and the lack of emotion on Soviet television. Next, Crystal teaches “the wave” to his Russian audience. In a sketch, Crystal plays California super-capitalist Barry Pedalman, who tries to talk Gorbachev into an effort to “westernize” his country: an amusement park called “Leninland.” Next, Crystal demonstrates how Charlie Chaplin’s Little Tramp might find food on the streets of Moscow. Later, Crystal visits Lenin’s Tomb in Red Square; observes the changing of the guard outside the Kremlin; tries to converse with Muscovites playing chess; talks with locals on the street; and trades “funny faces” with young Armenian earthquake survivors. Crystal then hears “the voice” again, this time telling him to seek out his family in Moscow. Crystal subsequently attends a family reunion. Next, Crystal envisions taking on various Russian jobs, including an over-the-top lounge singer and a pranks-inclined guard at Lenin’s Tomb. Further sketches include Sheilah bribing her way into a restaurant via a roll of toilet paper; Lester serenading locals on his clarinet; and Russian local “Misha” on line, interacting with American tourists. On his way to the train station after the concert, Crystal dreams of running into Sophie in a restaurant. She then tells him of hearing a voice that tells her to go to America. This program is closed captioned.


  • DATE: October 21, 1989 10:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 1:12:09
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: B:49775
  • GENRE: Comedy
  • SERIES RUN: HBO - TV, 1989


  • David H. Steinberg … Executive Producer
  • Billy Crystal … Executive Producer, Writer
  • Robert Dalrymple … Producer
  • Carmi Zlotnik … Co-Producer
  • Sasha Vosk … Associate Producer
  • Jim Sarles … Associate Producer
  • Jay Roewe … Line Producer
  • Paul Flaherty … Director
  • Marc Shaiman … Music by
  • Billy Crystal … Cast, Himself/Lester Hawkins/Sheilah Weinblatt/Martin Scorsese/Yakov Smirnov/Barry Pedalman
  • Janice Crystal … Cast, Herself
  • Lindsay Crystal … Cast, Herself
  • Jennifer Crystal … Cast, Sophie Crystal
  • Christopher Guest … Cast, The Voice
  • David Lloyd Austin … Cast, Mikhail Gorbachev
  • David Gamburg … Cast, Boris
  • Robert Machray … Cast, Father
  • Lucy Lee Flippin … Cast, Mother
  • James Ragsdale … Cast, Boy
  • Viacheslar Gsishechkik … Cast, Maitre d'
  • Vojo Goric … Cast, Tomb Guard
  • John Mahon … Cast, Cabinet Member
  • Gene Scherer … Cast, Cabinet Member
  • William de Acutis … Cast, Todd
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Vladimir Lenin