One in this dramatic anthology series. The board in charge of the Harman Corporation, a major engineering company, grow concerned due to the actions of mogul David Ringler, who is rapidly buying up stock in their company via proxies. Some members of the board come to believe that the founder of the company, the elderly Samual Harman, will be a liability to them, but their vote on this matter is deadlocked. Arthur Hennicut, the chairman of the board, steadfastly refuses to force Harman to retire, both for the purpose of serving as a symbol of "integrity" to their stockholders and because of his personal respect for and friendship with the man. Nevertheless, Hennicut asks Harman to sign an undated resignation form, hoping to use it as a potential "weapon" to get the board to work together against Ringler instead of fighting amongst themselves. Harman signs, noting that he would retire if Hennicut asked him and that this tactic feels "devious" to him. Hennicut brings lawyer Leland Wolff in to accompany the board as Ringler arrives to have a discussion with them. First he meets with Hennicut alone and asks for two seats on the board, but Hennicut balks at this request. Ringler already knows about the Harman Corporation's latest project: an ion engine which could represent a major breakthrough in public transportation. Ringler points out several aspects of the corporation which he feels are mismanaged, pointing to Harman as the source of some of their troubles for keeping the company too conservative and outdated. Hennicut refutes these arguments and still refuses to get rid of Harman. Ringler is brought in to see the rest of the board where he reads a statement claiming that he and his proxies collectively own 35% of the company's shares, and that unless he gets his seats on the board he will take over the company himself. The board members are incredulous at these claims, and Ringler promises to bring it up in front of the public at the next stockholder's meeting before leaving. James Mayberry, one of the board members, is the most vocal in insisting that Harman should leave, claiming he is stymieing their progress by opposing new ideas and maintaining only a minimal presence at the company. Hennicut gets the ensuing argument to die down by revealing Harman's resignation form and asking the rest of the board to sign similar forms, asking that there be no more vote about Harman's resignation and that he will be directing the board's decisions for the time being. Ringler claims to the press that he was thrown out of the board meeting and promises to retaliate with a "war" against the Harman Corporation. His comments paint them as being unwilling to listen to their own stockholders. Hennicut hires lawyers who have dealt with Ringler's proxy wars in the past, and they place corporate spies in both Ringler's company and in the Harman Corporation. Ringler obtains information on Harman's business practices, such as giving out loans and favors for his friends and family, but decides to stow that information away for a later date. He obtains a file on Hennicut talking about how his wife passed away many years ago, and how he lives alone in an apartment and Harman is seemingly his only friend. Forgoing that, Ringler decides to target Mayberry, and exposes his vast holdings in other companies previously unknown to the other Harman board members. Upon learning of Mayberry's secret holdings, the rest of the Harman Corporation board turns on him, although he claims that everything he did was oriented towards increasing the company's profits. Hennicut puts an end to the argument by claiming that firing Mayberry at the present moment would indicate guilt and weakness, and that they must not appear inferior to Ringler. Hennicut asks Robert Costillo to ready the ion engine in six weeks, in time for a demonstration at the stockholder's meeting. Costillo protests that it is impossible in such a short time frame, but Hennicut is insistent that it be finished no matter the cost. During the meeting, Mayberry becomes frustrated and walks out; Hennicut warns him that after the proxy war with Ringler is finished, Mayberry will be thrown out of the company. Harman objects to the ethicality of Hennicut's actions, but Hennicut claims he is only doing what is necessary. Meanwhile, Mayberry plans to join Ringler's company and undermine the Harman Corporation from within. Ringler's lackey Palmer passes on the news about Mayberry to him while he's meeting with stockholders. However, Ringler is not pleased; he explains that Mayberry was more useful to them when he was a weak member of the Harman Corporation board that they could target, and Hennicut could now accuse them of collusion. He also explains that he has chosen not to attack the ion engine project, as he is worried that it could be successful and thus undermine his position. Palmer is indignant at how he is treated by Ringler and leaves. Ringler's much younger wife Rona is frustrated at being used as nothing more than a "show piece" for him, and she seems unmoved even by Ringler's threats of violence. However, both of them disguise their frustrations for the benefit of the arriving stockholders. Hennicut calls another board meeting; he already knows that Mayberry has defected. Costillo expresses concerns that the ion engine will not be completed in time, and argues with Hennicut over essentially ruining the project altogether. Costillo is upset with Hennicut over how he is running the company, as he feels that his actions are ultimately destroying it. Finally Hennicut gives Costillo an ultimatum: either complete the engine or he will be fired. Harman arrives late and Hennicut makes an effort to hide many of the company's problems from him as not to upset him. Meanwhile, Ringler secures a large portion of Harman stock from the influential Mr. Church, but only by selling half of his shares to him to allow him to override Ringler's control if need be. They plan to use Mr. Church's influence and reputation to win over the stockholders. Costillo meets with Hennicut in private and asks for his resignation form; some of his best staff just quit and he blames Hennicut for constantly harassing them about the engine project. He announces his intention to resign just after the stockholder meeting, and despite everything the two of them try to express respect for each other. However, Hennicut claims he is willing to do anything to save the company, and admits he has spies watching Costillo. Before he leaves, Costillo tells Hennicut that they just tested the motor and it works. The stockholder meeting begins, and the company proudly displays a working model of their new ion engine. Hennicut calls the meeting to order, and soon thereafter Ringler argues with him from the crowd over the company's recent decline in profit and failure to keep up with its competitors. Harman speaks to the stockholders and they respond well to him. Church and Ringler work together to try and break his good will with them, and Ringler launches into a personal attack on Harman, criticizing his loans to family and friends, his extensive vacations, and his seeming abuse of company money. Harman is unable to defend himself against Ringler's attacks, and finally Hennicut is forced to end the session prematurely. Hennicut meets with Ringler in private and tries to offer him control of the Harman Corporation board in exchange for him backing off, but Ringler refuses, believing that he will be able to seize the company by himself. He tells Hennicut that he's a hypocrite for refusing to get rid of Harman. Harman meets with Hennicut and says he wishes to rebut Ringler's claims at the next session, but Hennicut claims that Ringler's position is too strong now to oppose. Hennicut believes that the only alternative is to get Harman to resign and make it seem as though the board has kept him on too long. Harman gives Hennicut full permission to finalize his resignation form, asking only that he be informed of exactly why this is being done. Hennicut continues to claim that he is doing all this for the good of the company, and Harman is dismayed that Hennicut is willing to "sacrifice a man to a corporation." He solemnly leaves, and at the next session Hennicut announces Harman's retirement and that Wolff will be taking his place on the ballot. He then calls for the polls to elect the new leader of the company. Hennicut is left alone, repeating over and over that he had no other choice than to do as he did. Includes commercials.
- DATE: February 19, 1959 9:30 PM
- RUNNING TIME: 1:30:00
- CATALOG ID: B:44879
- GENRE: Drama
- SERIES RUN: CBS - TV series, 1956-1960
- TV – Commercials – Delsey toilet paper
- TV – Commercials – Enden shampoo
- TV – Commercials – Kleenex paper towels
- TV – Commercials – RCA gas ovens
- TV – Commercials – Suave conditioner
- TV – Commercials – Tempo hairspray
- TV – Promos – "Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic"
- TV – Promos – "Person to Person"
- TV – Promos – "The Great Challenge"
- TV – Promos – "The Twentieth Century"
- Herbert Brodkin … Producer
- Herbert Hirschman … Associate Producer
- Russell Stoneham … Associate Producer
- Franklin Schaffner … Director
- Loring Mandel … Writer
- Eddie Albert … Host
- Frank Lovejoy … Cast, Arthur Hennicut
- Donald Crisp … Cast, Samuel Harman
- Leif Erickson … Cast, James Mayberry
- Rod Taylor … Cast, Robert Castillo
- Leon Ames … Cast, Leland Wolff
- Louis Jean Heydt … Cast, Marvin Tannis
- Carl Benton Reid … Cast, Mr. Church
- Paul Douglas … Cast, David Ringler
- George Mitchell … Cast, Corey Palmer
- Jennifer Howard … Cast, Rona Ringler
- Raymond Bailey … Cast, Mr. Stern
- Douglas Evans … Cast, Mr. Lassiter
- John Conwell … Cast, Mr. Leech
- Jean Inness … Cast, Mrs. Hurst
- Louise Vincent … Cast, Receptionist
- Ella Ethridge … Cast, Mrs. Harman
- James McCallon … Cast, Mr. Juster
- Helen Kleeb … Cast, Mrs. Juster