One in this series of comedy programs, a spin-off of "All in the Family," about the outspoken, liberal Maude Findlay and her family. In this episode, Maude goes to visit a psychiatrist, though she assures him that aside from being "a little depressed," she is perfectly fine and content with her life. However, she then admits that she is worried that she has fallen out of love with her husband Walter, explaining that she recently saw him showing interest in a much younger woman and grousing about his various annoying habits. She says that she doesn't "hear violins anymore" in terms of their romance, though they used to have a "sensational" relationship. As her fiftieth birthday approaches, she worries about losing her sex appeal, but then declares that "nobody walks out on her" and that she left home at eighteen without hesitation, adding that she often fought with her mother and struggled to please her standoffish father, who never told her he loved her.
She becomes emotional as she realizes that he did not react when she stopped kissing him good night, guessing that he never noticed the change. She pulls herself together, however, and talks about her grandmother, who often fought with her mother and "made up for the hurt" from her parents. When she returns to the subject of her birthday, she states that she loves life, but worries that she is becoming "paranoid" about others' perception of her and is pushing her husband away unnecessarily. She recounts a story from her youth in which her father went out of his way to buy her an expensive coat, and she tears up again when she realizes the kindness of the gesture, saying that she always loved him but was unable to tell him so. She concludes that she is doing the same thing with Walter, pushing him away to avoid his rejection, fearing not growing old but growing old alone. She assures the silent doctor that she will continue to sort out her issues on her own and does not need his assistance, but then reconsiders and plans to return the following week. Commercials deleted.
- DATE: November 10, 1975 9:30 PM
- RUNNING TIME: 0:26:07
- COLOR/B&W: Color
- CATALOG ID: B:14745
- GENRE: Comedy
- SERIES RUN: CBS - TV series, 1972-1978
- Rod Parker … Executive Producer
- Bob Weiskopf … Producer
- Bob Schiller … Producer
- Rita Dillon … Associate Producer
- Norman Lear … Created by
- Hal Cooper … Director
- Jay Folb … Writer
- Marilyn Bergman … Theme Music by
- Dave Grusin … Theme Music by
- Alan Bergman … Theme Music by
- Donny Hathaway … Theme Music by
- Beatrice Arthur … Cast, Maude Findlay
- Bill Macy … Cast, Walter Findlay
- Adrienne Barbeau … Cast, Carol Traynor
- Conrad Bain … Cast, Dr. Arthur Harmon
- Rue McClanahan … Cast, Vivian Cavender Harmon
- Hermione Baddeley … Cast, Mrs. Nell Naugatuck
- Gene Blakely … Cast, The Psychiatrist