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A made-for-television film sequel to the comedy series “Father Knows Best,” featuring the next generation of the Anderson family.

Jim and Margaret have the house to themselves since their children moved out; Kathy was the last one to leave five years ago. They feel somewhat lonely without them and Margaret suggests that they organize a family reunion, including their children and grandchildren. Jim notes that such an undertaking would be a logistical challenge, although he also misses the children. Jim talks to his friend Ed about Margaret, and decides to take her up on her request, arranging for the entire family to fly out and see them. They prepare for their arrival and mention that Bud has become a professional motorcycle racer. On the day of their arrival Jim and Margaret go to the airport to greet their family, and they share an enthusiastic welcome. On the drive home they all catch up, and Kathy mentions that she has just started dating Dr. Jason Harper, a surgeon. Betty receives a call from Frank, an old crush of hers who happened to be flying the plane that brought her and her siblings there.

In private, Bud confides in Jim that he is having relationship difficulties with his life Jeanne due to his work often taking him away from home. He remarks that Jeanne wishes that he were more like Jim in terms of interacting with his family, and Jim gives him advice about trying to plan for his future. Betty agrees to go on a date with Frank, and she talks to Margaret about how the death of her husband of twelve years, Jerry, has affected her. She feels guilty about starting a romantic relationship with another man, although Margaret tries to convince her that it could be good for her. Jim and Margaret find that their children are just as contentious with each other as when they were young, although this does not seem to surprise them. That night, Frank arrives to pick up Betty and the rest of the family chats him up until Betty comes down. Later, Bud’s son Robbie complains that his household is not like his grandparents’, unhappy at Bud’s frequent absences. Bud’s old friend Leo comes to visit and invites him and Robbie over to his house to catch up. While he’s gone, Kathy talks about her relationship with Jason; she notes that he has been trying to propose to her, but she is hesitant to go through with it. Kathy’s friend Marybeth arrives and catches up with her, inviting Kathy to a festival with her husband and asking to bring Betty’s daughters Jenny and Ellen along. They decide to go along.

With all of their children and grandchildren occupied with other activities, Jim and Margaret find themselves alone in the house again. They talk about the various issues their children face and realize that they will no longer come to them for advice as readily as they used to. Jeanne calls Bud and tells him that she has flown out to join the family. Bud drives out to pick her up and Robbie excitedly greets her when she gets home. While preparing for a big family dinner to celebrate Jim and Margaret’s anniversary, Jason surprises the family by arriving, much to Kathy’s delight. Frank arrives as well, adding to a quite large dinner party. With everyone assembled, they all share a toast. The dinner goes quite well, and Jim and Margaret are happy. Later, Bud shows Jim, Margaret, and Jeanne footage of one of his motorcycle races. At Robbie’s insistence, Bud sets up a tent in the backyard for them to sleep in, and he tells Jeanne that would often dot this when he was a kid. While alone, Robbie confesses to Bud that he worries about Bud getting killed in one of his races and wonders aloud why he pursued motorcycle racing as a career. Bud responds that he felt a desire not to “be like everyone else” and feels that people should strive to be different in a productive way. Jeanne is happy to see Bud and Robbie bonding.

Frank tells Jeanne that he is somewhat envious of her family, as he spent most of his childhood in boarding schools. He remarks that he is still attracted to her just like when they were teenagers. He kisses her, asking her to give their relationship a second chance. Meanwhile, Jason feels frustrated that Kathy thinks of him more as a “father-image” than as a romantic partner (since there is a ten-year age difference between them), but she assures him that she still loves him. He asks her again if they can get married, but she evades the question. As Kathy returns home Bud attempts to sneak up on her as part of a prank, but she mistakes him for a mugger and attacks him. The next morning, Betty and Kathy argue with each other about Betty’s intentions towards Frank, which Betty feels is none of Kathy’s business. They leave and Jeanne seeks out Margaret’s advice about her marriage. The whole family goes to church, and Frank and Jason meet them there. During the service, Jim has memories of his remarriage ceremony which took place there.

The entire extended family goes out to the lake for a picnic. At the picnic, Kathy talks to Jason about her seeming reluctance to marry him, which she insists has nothing to do with their age difference. Frank also tells Kathy that he is ardently pursuing her, and she playfully tells him not to give up. Bud talks to Jeanne about how being with his parents and siblings over the past few days has given him a new perspective on his relationship with her and Robbie. He hopes to emulate his parents in terms of how they treat their family. Robbie, Ellen, and Jenny go out fishing, but Ellen gets distracted by playing in a canoe and accidentally unmoors herself, sending her adrift onto the lake. Robbie discovers this and alerts the rest of the family that she has gone missing. Everyone splits up in a frantic search for her. Eventually Jim and Bud discover the canoe washed ashore near a small waterfall, but Ellen is not within. Ellen turns up on her own, soaked but otherwise unharmed, much to Betty and the rest of the family’s relief. Soon the family reunion ends and everyone returns to their respective homes. Commercials deleted.

(This program contains audiovisual errors; there are gaps of blank tape from 0:25:45 to 0:28:27, from 0:38:34 to 0:40:36, from 0:59:52 to 1:01:53, and from 1:18:20 to 1:20:22. It represents the best quality available at this time.)


  • DATE: 1977 8:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 1:21:15
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: B:11398
  • GENRE: Comedy
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Comedy; Families
  • SERIES RUN: NBC - TV, 1977


  • Hugh Benson … Producer
  • Al Simon … Associate Producer
  • Al Lowenstein … Associate Producer
  • Marc Daniels … Director
  • Paul West … Writer
  • Ed James … Based on characters created by
  • George Duning … Music by
  • Don Ferris … Music by
  • Irving Friedman … Music by
  • Leon Pober … Theme Music by
  • Robert Young … Cast, James "Jim" Anderson
  • Jane Wyatt … Cast, Margaret Anderson
  • Elinor Donahue … Cast, Betty "Princess" Anderson
  • Bill Gray (See also: Billy Gray) … Cast, James "Bud" Anderson Jr.
  • Lauren Chapin … Cast, Kathy "Kitten" Anderson
  • Jim McMullan … Cast, Frank
  • Susan Adams … Cast, Jeanne
  • Hal England … Cast, Jason
  • Nellie Bellflower … Cast, Marybeth
  • Peter Kastner … Cast, Claude
  • Christopher Gardner … Cast, Robbie
  • Kyle Richards … Cast, Ellen
  • Cari Anne Warder … Cast, Jenny
  • George O. Petrie … Cast, Dr. Evans
  • Noel Conlon … Cast, Rev. Lockwood
  • John Dayton … Cast, Teenager #1
  • Kate Sarchet … Cast, Teenager #2
  • Jan Marla Goldstein … Cast, Julie
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