Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
7:00 PM PT
Joss Whedon’s (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly) response to the 2007–2008 WGA strike was to gather friends and family to create an independent minimusical exclusively for Internet distribution: Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. A Whedonesque blend of irreverent pop culture humor, a surprisingly affecting emotional core, and generally cool stuff, DHSAB introduces the lovelorn, would-be supervillain Billy/Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris), pining for the lovely Laundromat habitué Penny (Felicia Day) and craving admittance to the prestigious Evil League of Evil. Thwarting him at every turn is Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion), a lout of a superhero who basks in the love of an adoring public and, crushingly, Penny herself. We blame the Wonderflonium.
Photos—Amy Opoka
Nathan Fillion, “Captain Hammer”
Maurissa Tancharoen, Producer/Writer
Jed Whedon, “Bad Horse Chorus #2"/"Dead Bowie”/Composer/Writer
Joss Whedon, Creator/Executive Producer/Writer/Director
Zack Whedon, Producer/Writer
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