MARCH OF TIME, THE {1938/01/13} (RADIO)
One in this series of programs dramatizing current news events. In this week's news, former Alabama Sen. Thomas Heflin, known for his virulently anti-Papist views, loses an election after years out of politics; starving rebels in the Spanish civil war surrender a convent in Teruel after an eighteen-day siege; pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor anger the Bishop of Bermuda; informants in the Charles Lindbergh baby kidnapping case get their reward money, prompting a look back at the tragedy; Arabs in the Middle East continue to listen to Italian propaganda despite new British radio programs aimed at them; General Motors' president testifies on unemployment at a Senate hearing; and Henry Ford talks about the future of the auto industry. The program closes with a look at the current economic picture and its relation to the rearmament program. Includes commercials. (Series affiliation varies; on NBC, 1937-1943.)
- DATE: January 13, 1938 Thursday 8:30 PM
- RUNNING TIME: 0:30:00
- CATALOG ID: R88:0242
- GENRE: Radio - Docudrama
- SUBJECT HEADING: Automobile industry; Docudrama; Propaganda - Italy; Spain - History - Civil war; U S - Economic conditions; U S - Elections
- SERIES RUN: NBC - Radio series, 1937-1943
- Radio - Commercials - Life magazine
- Van Voorhis, Westbrook … Cast
- Orson Welles … Cast
- Adelaide Klein … Cast
- Henry Ford
- Charles Lindbergh
- Edward VIII, King of Great Britain
- Thomas Heflin
- Wallis Warfield Simpson